
domingo, diciembre 16, 2012


Estad muy atentos a lo que me comunican Nektar, sobretodo a quien le pueda interesar, porque han habido algunos problemas y hay quien mal informa a los seguidores:

Hello Jose

This is just a quick note to clear up any misunderstanding regarding the gig being advertised at Robin 2 Bilston, Wolverhampton UK.
This gig will NOT be taking place as there is no way we can mobilize the band for a one off and so far the Agency handling this has been unable to contract any other gigs so we are officially calling it cancelled.
Please call your ticket vendor for a refund.

On a brighter note, Roye will likely be performing some acoustic solo shows around the UK but until you hear directly from us, please do not believe any stories regarding this!

Roye is currently working on vocals for the second Prog Collective album being produced by Cleopatra Records, we can't wait to hear it!

All the best for now,


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